(FR) Melaka 21-23 April 2012

MELAKA yang merupakan salah satu kota di Malaysia yang termasuk dalam Kota Warisa Dunia (World Heritage) oleh UNESCO selain George Town di Penang.

Cameron Highlands..Puncaknya Peninsular Malaysia..

Cameron Highlands merupakan sebuah pusat peristirahatan di dataran tinggi yang terkenal di semenanjung Malaysia. Cameron Highland terletak di barat daya negeri Pahang, sebuah negara yang kaya dengan khazanah hutan alamnya.

Pesona Afrika di Tanah Salvador de Bahia

Salvador merupakan ibu kota provinsi Bahia, sekitar 1.650 Km di sebelah utara Rio de Janeiro.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Climbing Competition in Huangshan, China

Setelah sekian lama gak nulis2 blog lagi, akhirnya saya mau share lagi salah satu pengalaman saya. Saya sekarang sedang melanjutkan study saya untuk master degree di China. Dan kebetulan bulan kemarin ada perlombaan daki gunung khusus foreign students di Anhui Province 安徽. Bertempat di salah satu gunung terindah di China, yaitu Huang Shan Mountain 黄山。

Here we Are in the Top of Huangshan
Huangshan (simplified Chinese: 黄山; traditional Chinese: 黃山; pinyin: Huángshān; literally: "Yellow Mountain"), is a mountain range in southern Anhui province in eastern China. The range is composed of material that was uplifted from an ancient sea during the Mesozoic era, 100 million years ago. The mountains themselves were carved by glaciers during the Quaternary. Vegetation on the range is thickest below 1,100 meters (3,600 ft), with trees growing up to the treeline at 1,800 meters (5,900 ft).
Huangshan is known for its sunrises, pine trees, "strangely jutting granite peaks", hot springs, winter snow and views of clouds touching the mountainsides for more than 200 days out of the year.

All Contestant From Around The World
The Huangshan mountain range has many peaks, some more than 1,000 meters (3,250 feet) high. The three tallest and best-known peaks are Lotus Peak (Lian Hua Feng, 1,864 m), Bright Summit Peak (Guang Ming Ding, 1,840 m), and Celestial Peak (Tian Du Feng, literally Capital of Heaven Peak, 1,829 m). The World Heritage Site covers a core area of 154 square kilometres and a buffer zone of 142 square kilometres. The mountains were formed in the Mesozoic, about 100 million years ago, when an ancient sea disappeared due to uplift. Later, in the Quaternary Period, the landscape was shaped by the influence of glaciers.

Me and My Friend from Bangladesh
The well-known Ying Ke Pine, or Welcome Pine
The vegetation of the area varies with elevation. Mesic forests cover the landscape below 1,100 meters. Deciduous forest stretches from 1,100 meters up to the tree line at 1,800 meters. Above that point, the vegetation consists of alpine grasslands. The area has diverse flora, where one-third of China's bryophyte families and more than half of its fern families are represented. The Huangshan pine (Pinus hwangshanensis) is named after Huangshan and is considered an example of vigor because the trees thrive by growing straight out of the rocks. Many of the area's pine trees are more than a hundred years old and have been given their own names (such as the Ying Ke Pine, or Welcoming-Guests Pine, which is thought to be over 1500 years old). The pines vary greatly in shape and size, with the most crooked of the trees being considered the most attractive. Furthermore, Huangshan's moist climate facilitates the growing of tea leaves, and the mountain has been called "one of China's premier green tea-growing mountains. Mao feng cha ("Fur Peak Tea"), a well-known local variety of green tea, takes its name from the downy tips of tea leaves found in the Huangshan area.

The mountaintops often offer views of the clouds from above, known as the Sea of Clouds (Chinese: 云海; pinyin: yúnhǎi) or "Huangshan Sea" because of the cloud's resemblance to an ocean, and many vistas are known by names such as "North Sea" or "South Sea." One writer remarked on the view of the clouds from Huangshan as follows:

To enjoy the magnificence of a mountain, you have to look upwards in most cases. To enjoy Mount Huangshan, however, you've got to look downward.

Me and My Korean Friend
The area is also host to notable light effects, such as the renowned sunrises. Watching the sunrise is considered a "mandatory" part of visiting the area. A phenomenon known as Buddha's Light (Chinese: 佛光; pinyin: fóguāng) is also well-known and, on average, Buddha's Light only appears a couple of times per month. In addition, Huangshan has multiple hot springs, most of them located at the foot of the Purple Cloud Peak. The water stays at 42 °C all year and has a high concentration of carbonates, and is said to help prevent skin, joint, and nerve illness.

 Huangshan was formed approximately 100 million years ago and gained its unique rock formations in the Quaternary Glaciation.

Me with Another Korean Friend
During the Qin Dynasty, Huangshan was known as Yishan (Mount Yi). In 747 AD, its name was changed to Huangshan (Mount Huang) by imperial decree; the name is commonly thought to have been coined in honor of Huang Di (the Yellow Emperor), a legendary Chinese emperor and the mythological ancestor of the Han Chinese. One legend states that Huangshan was the location from which the Yellow Emperor ascended to Heaven.Another legend states that the Yellow Emperor "cultivated moral character and refined Pills of Immortality in the mountains, and in so doing gave the mountains his name. The first use of this name "Huangshan" is often attributed to Chinese poet Li Bai. Huangshan was fairly inaccessible and little-known in ancient times, but its change of name in 747 AD seems to have brought the area more attention; from then on, the area was visited frequently and many temples were built there.

Huangshan is known for its stone steps, carved into the side of the mountain, of which there may be more than 60,000 throughout the area.The date at which work on the steps began is unknown, but they have been said to be over 1,500 years old.

Perwakilan dari Indonesia
Over the years, many scenic spots and physical features on the mountain have been named; many of the names have narratives behind them. For example, one legend tells of a man who did not believe the tales of Huangshan's beauty and went to the mountains to see for himself; he was almost immediately convinced. One of the peaks he supposedly visited was named Shixin (始信), roughly meaning "start to believe."

In 1982, Huangshan was declared a "site of scenic beauty and historic interest" by the State Council of the People's Republic of China. It was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1990 for its scenery and for its role as a habitat for rare and threatened species.

In 2002, Huangshan was named the "sister mountain" of Jungfrau in the Swiss Alps.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Tour Hemat 4 hari 3 malam Sri Lanka & Malaysia

Sea fisherman on a Sri Lankan beach.
Tour Hemat 4 hari 3 malam Sri Lanka & Malaysia
Termasuk Tiket PP, Hotel, Tour 3 hari 2 malam di Sri Lanka

Hanya 9 Juta rupiah


Monday, May 28, 2012

(FR) Wisata Belanja KL, Hatyai, dan Alor Setar

Salam para blogger semuanya,, Kali ini saya akan berbagi cerita mengenai wisata belanja saya pada tanggal 28 mei sampai 4 juni kemarin. Wisata saya kali ini dikhususkan hanya untuk belanja, jadi sedikit objek wisata yang saya datangi.
Berawal dari iseng2 dapat tiket murah KL-Alor Setar, akhirnya saya memutuskan perjalanan saya kali ini dikhususkan hanya untuk belanja dikarenakan lokasi Alor Setar yang dekat dengan perbatasan Malaysia-Thailand dimana banyak sekali orang malaysia yang khusus datang ke Hatyai untuk berbelanja, terutama pada saat weekend.
Oke, langsung saja.. Tanggal 28 mei perjalanan saya dimulai. Dari terminal 3 Soekarno Hatta menuju LCCT..

Suasana Terminal 3

Di KL, saya menginap 2 malam di Ribbon Stayyz Bed & Breakfast GuestHouse dengan harga yang sangat murah.hanya sekitar RM100an selama 2 malam. Jadi semalamnya kira2 hanya 100ribuan rupiah. Lokasinya juga sangat strategis, dekat dengan stasiun LRT. Bila berminat, bisa dibooking via Agoda.

Selama di KL saya hanya jalan-jalan mall to mall saja.. Dan menurut saya, mall yg paling asik untuk menghabiskan waktu adalah di Sunway Pyramid yang letaknya berdekatan dengan Sunway Langoon dan Sunway University. Untuk pergi ke sana, saya naik bus dari dekat tempat saya menginap.Perjalanan ke sana memakan waktu kira2 setengah jam.. 

Sunway Pyramid

Pada tanggal 30 mei, saya melanjutkan perjalanan menuju Alor Setar. Kota Alor Setar merupakan ibu kota negeri Kedah, Malaysia. Tempat kelahiran Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj yang merupakan Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang pertama.Alor Setar adalah gabungan dari kata ‘Alor’ dan ’Setar’. Setar adalah nama sejenis pohon, buahnya apabila masak berwarna kuning kemerahan, rasanya masam-masam manis dan ukurannya besar sedikit daripada buah rumbia yang termasuk dalam kelompok pohon kundang dengan nama ilmiahnya ‘Boeya Macrophlla’. 

Di Alor Setar saya hanya pergi ke mall saja dan area sekitaran hotel saja. Saya menginap di Hotel ASRC dengan harga sekitara 170rb rupiah semalamnya. Sebagai informasi bila anda mau berpergian di Alor Setar, harap pesan Taxi dari hotel atau sewa mobil. Karena pengalaman saya, taxi sangat2 jarang di sini. 

Menuju Alor Setar

 Suasana Sultan Abdul Halim Airport

Kota Alor Setar

Menara Alor Setar Pada Malam Hari

Dari Alor setar saya menuju Hatyai dengan cara naik taxi menuju Bukit Kayu Hitam (RM50) dari sana, setelah selesai urusan imigrasi, jalan lurus saja menuju 7-11. Ada minivan menuju Hatyai dengan harga sekitaran THB 200an.. saya lupa jumlah pastinya..hehe

Di Hatyai saya 2x pindah hotel, karena ternyata hotel tempat saya menginap sangat kurang bagus. Saya menginap di emperor hotel dengan booking via Agoda. Harga per malamnya memang sangat murah, sekitar 100rban. Tapi kondisi hotelnya sudah tua dan kotor. Ada bercak darah di kasurnya dan terlebih lagi sangat berisik pada malam hari karena lokasinya bersebelahan dengan tempat hiburan malam di Hatyai.

Suasana Emperor Hotel

Akhirnya saya pindah ke Thung Sao Mansion yang lokasinya tidak terlalu jauh dari sana. Dekat dengan Bus station. Harganya juga tidak terlalu mahal, hanya sekitar 150rbuan semalam.

Suasana Thung Sao Mansion

Hatyai merupakan surga makanan enak dan murah. Bagi pecinta wisata kuliner, boleh sekali-sekali mengunjungi Hatyai. Dan harga makanan di sini rata2 tergolong sangat murah. Selain itu bagi yang suka belanja pakaian, ada banyak department store di Hatyai, seperti Odean, Robinson, dan yang paling menarik adalah Diana Dept Store. 

Suasana Kota Hatyai

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